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About Politics & Poetics


Politics & Poetics is a peer-reviewed journal of the humanities that provides a forum for the rigorous, reasoned examination of politics and culture. By cultivating critical inquiry and constructive dialogue across academic disciplines and the history of thought, the journal aims to advance a fuller, clearer, and more integrated understanding of who we are and where we are headed.


Politics & Poetics invites high-quality submissions that engage with questions of interest both to specialists and to a wider academic audience. Authors should note the call for papers which indicates the theme of the forthcoming volume. 


Politics & Poetics is a publication of the Canterbury Institute.


ISSN:  2543-666X




Editor in Chief: Dominic Burbidge (Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford; Canterbury Institute)

Editor: Connor Grubaugh (Oriel College, University of Oxford)

Founding Editor: Jonathan Price (St. Cross College and Pusey House, University of Oxford)


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